New Year's Day Walk on My Home Island of Lamma 元旦南丫岛徒步

The first day of year 2014 is passing by quicky. The night has fallen at the end of a peaceful, fine day. I am sitting at my desk, back from a nice New Year's Day walk to the southern tip of my home island of Lamma. It is indeed a beautiful place where I live, a beautiful base from which I look into the unknown time and far lands, feeling ready to start many new journeys.


Wedding Photos outside the Christ the Savior Cathedral 救世主大教堂外

Christ the Savior Cathedral seems to be a popular spot for wedding photos. I saw a few couple having their photos taken in wedding gowns and staging special romantic poses. This is really not a game unique to Chinese. I wish them long lasting love and many happy days ahead growing old together!

(Photo impressions from Moscow have been posted in the album "Moscow".)



A Tender Moment at Dusk in Moscow 黄昏的柔情

What I enjoyed most during my short stay in Mosque is to take long walks in late afternoon around the walls of the Kremlin and then continue onto the banks of the River of Moscow. Moscow, in its grandness and absence of emotions, starts to show a vague trace of tendersness as the sun goes down and a dark, golden mist falls upon the city. This is the time of the day when I feel the easiest to connect to the city and take it to my heart.

Photo impressions from Moscow have been posted in the album "Moscow".



Images of Star Ferries Always Bring Warmth to My Memories of Hong Kong 天星小轮温暖着我有关香港的记忆

Last weekend I crossed Victoria Harbour for a live theatre performance at Cultural Centre and had a chance again to be on a Star Ferry. The short ride of a few minutes was such a pleasure, with the late afternoon sunlight shedding its golden shade on the deck and gentle breeze brushing through to bring the coolness of early autumn.

Star Ferries, in witness of the rise and fall, the pains and joy of the City of Hong Kong, are the most romantic view of the city as they carry a living history crossing the beautiful "Fragrance Harbour" day and night.


Astonishing Display of American Patriotism 美国的爱国主义展现令人惊叹

I was astonished to see this American flag hung in the Chapel of Carmel Mission. Sure it is one day after the 4th of July, but still hard to believe that the display of the very political concept of nation and the expression of high patriotism are found in a supposedly pure religious location. Actually, during my recent trip to the US, I saw American flags flying everywhere. Quite overwhelming! I said to myself, the world would be scared to death if such a degree of patriotism were put on show in China. 


San Francisco - Most Charming American Metropolitan 旧金山-风情万种的美国大都市

San Francisco is lively, friendly, charming, and unlike New York City, not intimidating at all. It is like a beauty by the sea, confidently enjoying herself and let her elegance grace all admirers. The open and warm atmosphere invites and reassures any one who wants to be part of it. I never feel foregin here, as I have never felt foreign in the State of California!

The cable cars are running up and down San Francisco's streets on hilly landscape and cheerfully carrying its living history forward.