2016年最后一天在印度阿格拉度过。成千上万的人来此仰望世上最美的建筑泰姬陵。泰姬陵高大的围墙外却是尘土飞扬、肮脏贫穷、人畜共生的村庄和街市。在我离开这里飞回家乡、飞向2017年时,心中念念不忘的是这些围墙外的女性的面容 - 温存、友善、大度、天然:这是活在尘埃里的生命,却以珍珠般的光晕吸引着我不舍告别。也许这光晕正是印度送给我的新年礼物,它的意义也只有在未来的的岁月中慢慢揭开。你好,2017。
Wake up to a Splendid Morning 绚丽的清晨
I Don't Know A Flower That's More Graceful 出淤泥而不染
Got One! 抓到一条!
Thunderstorm Approaching 山雨欲来
Beautiful Spring in front of the Window 窗前的好春光
Lava Sky on First Day of Spring 立春,云天红遍
Welcoming the Year of Rooster at the Temple of Sea Goddess on Lamma Island 南丫岛榕树湾天后庙前喜迎鸡年
At the Temple of Sea Goddess, Yau Ma Tei 油麻地天后庙内
In the World of Men 在男人的世界中
Pearls in the Dirt 尘埃里的珍珠
Icelandic Caprice 冰岛随想
First try of iMovie, with music composed by Ansel and my pictures from Iceland in the summer of 2016.
Mid-Summer Night 仲夏夜
Summar Solstice 夏至
Birthday with Sunrise on the Great Wall 长城上的日出-迎接生日
Happy Valentine's Day 圣瓦仑丁节快乐
“The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal.” Happy Valentine's Day!
The Hong Kong on the Other Side of Harbour 维港另一边
Hong Kong must mean differently to each person finding his own home here. A stroll around Yau Ma Tei in Kowloon on the 4th day of the Chinese New Year unveiled the charm of Hong Kong that was foreign - heart-warming and heart-breaking at the same time. When I saw this little girl playing alone with her duck friend in the dark and messy back side of a fruit shop, I couldn't help the desire to embrace her tightly in my arms. And at the very moment, I realized that I had fallen in love with this city and its people. Hong Kong has become a true home to me.