Since we are back from our two-week trip in Sri Lanka last Sunday, Ansel has been telling me he misses there. So do I! Before sharing the experience in more details in the Travel section of this website, I thought it might be helpful to first publish the general plan, which had been put in place after lots of research and considerations. The route starts from Negambo, follows the yellow line in the directions of the arrows and ends in Colombo, the capital. Each red spot is an overnight location with numbers in circles indicating nights spent. It proves a reasonable plan with an opportunity to form good impressions of different regions and aspects of the country withouth having to rush too much.
自从上周日结束在锡兰两周的旅行返港,Ansel不断地告诉我他想念那里,我又何尝不是!在本网页”人在旅途“发表详细攻略之前,先把大致行程发出来。从Negambo开始,沿箭头方向走黄线,红点是留宿的地点,圆圈中的数字代表留宿的天数。 走下来,感觉这个行程还合适,即对这个国家不同的区域的地貌,文化经济的各个方面形成了印象,也没有疲于奔命,值得参考。